Программа первого дня 12 апреля (время Новосибирское):
9:00-9:40 |
Gunther Uhlmann University of Washington (USA) |
Travel Time Tomography |
9:45-10:25 |
Plamen D. Stefanov, Samy Tindel Purdue University (USA) |
Sampling linear inverse problems with noise |
10:30-11:10 |
George Dulikravich Florida International University (USA) |
Multi-Disciplinary Disciplinary Practical Solutions of Inverse Problems |
11:15-11:55 |
Masahiro Yamamoto Tokyo University (Japan) |
Stability for inverse problems by Carleman estimates and applications to fluid dynamics |
12:00-12:40 |
Jin Cheng Fudan University (Shanghai, China) |
Theory and Algorithms of Extracting Information from Big Data |
12:45-13:25 |
Yanfei Wang Institute of Geology and Geophysics (Beijing, China) |
Model-driven and data-driven inverse problems |
14:00-14:30 | Openening Ceremony | Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Koptyga street 4, Conference Hall |
Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86015050654?pwd=ZUJtYW04MkorQlZPT2h1VlFTOUQrZz09 | ||
The conference ID: 860 1505 0654 Password: 397562 |
Symposium “Text processing” | ||
14:30-15:10 |
Michail Guzev, Evgenia Nikitina, Elena Chernysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (Vladivostok, Russia) |
V. P. Maslov’s approach for the analysis of rank distributions |
15:15-15:55 |
Olga Kozhemyakina, Vladimir Barakhnin Federal Research Center for Information and Computing Technologies (Novosibirsk, Russia) |
Models and algorithms for complex analysis of Russian poetic texts |
16:00-16:40 |
Maria Timofeeva Sobolev Institute of Mathematics (Novosibirsk, Russia) |
Structure of reasoning in a poetic text |
16:45-17:00 | Coffee-Break | |
17:00-17:40 |
Vasily Vasiliev, Anatoly Kardashevsky, Wang Gang Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University (Yakutsk, Russia) |
Identification of the order of the Caputo fractional derivative and the diffusion coefficient in the subdiffusion problem |
18:00-18:40 |
Maarten de Hoop Rice University (USA) |
Globally injective ReLU networks, injective flows and uncertainty quantification |
Утреннее заседание онлайн.
После обеда — Институт математики имени С.Л. Соболева СО РАН с трансляцией в ZOOM.
Zoom conference https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86015050654?pwd=ZUJtYW04MkorQlZPT2h1VlFTOUQrZz09
The conference ID: 860 1505 0654
Password: 397562
После обеда — Институт математики имени С.Л. Соболева СО РАН с трансляцией в ZOOM.
Zoom conference https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86015050654?pwd=ZUJtYW04MkorQlZPT2h1VlFTOUQrZz09
The conference ID: 860 1505 0654
Password: 397562